You don’t know how to date

You don’t know how to date. Not how to date in a way that creates a strong solid foundation for Marriage. Modern dating is all happenstance. And of course, this happenstance is furthered by the modern love niche. A couple of generations of rom-com movies and...


From a post recently I received this query: “What about cheaters – I have been with a person who is unfaithful and I’m not unfaithful” Got it. The easiest way to explain this is via a story. My ex cheated on me numerous times. And YES I...

Attraction Goes Both Ways

This is often left off the table It is the flip side of the coin when it comes to attraction. You are not a stationary object and all is attracted to you. You are also moving which means you are also ATTRACTED. You are both object and subject. Let that sink in a...


It is an unfortunate aspect of modern culture that people are not taught how IMPORTANT marriage is and how to choose WELL. Because of this Men and Women rarely understand the responsibility of marriage, which begins with your responsibility to choose based on correct...

The Power of Marriage

Many people don’t understand the point of marriage- especially today. If they did they would choose differently with a deep Intention instead of mere emotionalism. (This is a NON- religious viewpoint. Meaning that while it is not against any specific religious...


We sat at dinner with friends the meal was delicious and enjoyable. A Trip was being planned and another friend wanted to invite someone “Are they a _____ supporter?” someone at the table asked. I looked up, surprised… “Why would that matter?” “I just wouldn’t want to...