Dyadic Consciousness shifts EVERYTHING

I’ll let other women have independence if they want it. ​ I’ll take the freedom to spend hours a day in my depth and darkness because He loves the Mystery I get there. ​ I’ll take being appreciated for my softness and kindness, my wisdom and...

The Conversation we Need to Have

OR Why I can’t work one on one with everyone There are many things about my gift that are challenging to understand but perhaps the MOST challenging is that I speak into your present what is COMING. I only acknowledge what IS to assist you in drawing the thread from...

Life Embodied

I don’t believe in the Hustle That’s not how I’ve built seven figures That’s not how I’ll teach you to do it. I believe in Life- EMBODIED. Juicy Presenceful Potent Fertile When you build, create, manifest, expand in ANY WAY from a place of embodiment EVERYTHING...


One of the queries that arises the most is how to know the difference between your shadow and your gift. Your Ego and your Essence. It is not merely as simple as an action because any action can be shadow in the hands and mouth of one person at one time and Divine...

The Egregore of Trauma

One of the most corrosive practices of modern day living is the enlivening of trauma. ​ It’s birthing happened quite subtly. ​ From trauma being something experienced occasionally by soldiers on the battlefield, victims of highly abusive experiences and extreme...

I’ve got an offer for MEN!

EATING MY OWN WORDS I have always said I do not coach Men. I have always believed men need to Coach men. Even when Men have come to me through the years Seeking Coaching. Then something landed I was shown that Men need to hear from women… but not in the way it was...