In my last post I mentioned that A portal of Clarity opened for me recently that allows me to See Clearly why abandoning a Feminist identity is the next Awakening for Women and also to communicate the CORE of why I don’t identify as A feminist. It’s very...

Influence & Impact

I had a conversation recently where I told someone that I don’t believe in concerning myself with things outside of my sphere of Influence and Impact. I was asked “We have to be concerned about what’s happening with others. If everyone does that how...


MAGICAL BEASTS AND HOW TO USE THEM 4.62 BILLION People. That’s how many people use Social Media You may not know it but… Social Media is Magic. When you learn the Magic of using it. Seriously. For years my friends, family and students have commented on how...

No replay in this life

What if you didn’t get the replay? What if the opportunity of a lifetime was standing right in front of you. The conversation you’ve been longing for The connection you desire The Master that takes your breath away For one night only Now No replay Would you...

The Age of Abundance

The Age of Struggle and Survival is Past. Now we enter the Age of Abundance. Is time to reclaim your birthright. You are Made For Radical Wealth Abundance beyond belief. The world has so much to offer you, so many experiences and opportunities. TODAY it is your turn...


You are worthy of every good you desire in life. Yet you can not see what stands in the way, throws you off course, dims your Brilliance, mutes your Boldness. Right now you’re growing SO FAST you wonder: Is that my genius or my ego? Is this really for me or am I...