Of Luxury, Codes & Thoroughbreds

Part 2 of the Luxury Education series: The “luxury market” has become trendy in the online business space in the last 5 years. To the point that EVERY business has a “luxury” arm… OR shall I say luxury branding and luxury pricing....

Luxury Education Part I

Luxury is quite the buzz word these days, with every business seeking a luxury identity often without understanding the nature of luxury itself. ​ Luxury is by definition that which is demonstratively excess, Abundance, Extravagance. That which is BEYOND what is...

Dyadic Consciousness shifts EVERYTHING

I’ll let other women have independence if they want it. ​ I’ll take the freedom to spend hours a day in my depth and darkness because He loves the Mystery I get there. ​ I’ll take being appreciated for my softness and kindness, my wisdom and...

The Conversation we Need to Have

OR Why I can’t work one on one with everyone There are many things about my gift that are challenging to understand but perhaps the MOST challenging is that I speak into your present what is COMING. I only acknowledge what IS to assist you in drawing the thread from...

Wealthy Spritual Classy and Kinky

Beloveds – Kink is rising to the collective surface again (it has always been present, but there are cycles where this wave truly rises). We’re noticing the topic coming up with more and more frequency in our Masterminds and Courses. There is a deeper...