THE GENE-rator Human Design

Human Design “Generators” – No you are not the “slaves” of the Human Collective, meant for the grunt work and to just work yourself into exhaustion unless you just respond… Because in truth all humans respond. So that isn’t...

It is time

You are in business And ready to hire To invest so that you can serve MORE. Remember why you are doing it, in the clamor and the chaos the cacophony of voices telling you that THEIR way is best. They have the answer The secret The only way Do not lose touch with your...

SHIFT in order to Evolve

At some point, your business will require a SHIFT in order to Evolve. Things to know when that occurs: • That shift never looks the way you think it will. • That shift will often require changes you’d prefer weren’t necessary. • That shift reveals where...

Women Coaches and Entrepreneurs

Social media is a simulation. And it gives you a skewed idea of reality if you let it What Success is What service is What building is What relationships are What an industry is ​ ​ Let’s pop some bubbles shall we? ​ ​ Very few industries are actually new No one...

Of Luxury, Code & Thoroughbreds Part II

Part 3 of the Luxury Education Series …. ​ A few years ago I facilitated an in person retreat. During that retreat one of the things we spoke about quite deeply was the distinction between a thoroughbred and a pony. ​ Thoroughbreds eat differently, they have...