The Initiations

In the Dyad Marriage Mastery Matters we laid the groundwork In the Dyad Ancient Future we offered the Mysticism In the Dyad Paradigm we gave you the first layer Structure In Alchemic Kink we give you the Fire. The piece you need to navigate INTO the INITIATIONS of...

Radical Disruption Incoming

No matter your Race Creed or Color – every experience within your Mitochondrial Bloodline is a Code of Power. A human experience inscribed upon your Divine code to open a specific portal of potency. It doesn’t matter what the ACTION was, it is the CODE...

The Quality Woman

This keeps coming up so I will tell you how we define a Quality Woman and a Quality Man according to and in alignment with Dyadic Orientation™️ Principles. We will speak to the Quality Woman here and reserve the Quality Man for a second post. While many who do not...

The Medicine You Need VS The Wound You Choose

The road of connecting based on wounding is not NEEDED medicine, yet for many, it’s the chosen experience. You GET to choose the Path of Pain if you like but you don’t HAVE to. (BTW we don’t condemn you for choosing pain but let’s all own our...

Welcome to the Sandbox of The Immortals

Recently someone was asking me about my thoughts on specific self-help teachings. I looked at them curiously and said “I have no opinion on what they’re doing I’m not in that field” Their mouth dropped open…”I thought that’s...