
Ladies you attract men based on your OWN Character and a reflection of your Values. Always. Women in Victim attract men who also feel like victims. Women in child attract men who are also unwilling to take responsibility. Women who self sabotage attract men who also...

The Power of Marriage

Many people don’t understand the point of marriage- especially today. If they did they would choose differently with a deep Intention instead of mere emotionalism. (This is a NON- religious viewpoint. Meaning that while it is not against any specific religious...

Uncomfortable Truths

You may not like these, they may trigger you and cause you to seek the “exception” which is expressed via “what about…”, “I agree but…”, etc; 1. A person being an adult, capable and responsible for their own decisions can not then cry “wolf” when they regret those...


I arrived in the room early, creating the space. A Sacred space where I could teach women the art of magnetism. The art of allure and touch. When I went in and closed the room door the chaos of the conference faded. This work- showing Women how to access Seductive...


We sat at dinner with friends the meal was delicious and enjoyable. A Trip was being planned and another friend wanted to invite someone “Are they a _____ supporter?” someone at the table asked. I looked up, surprised… “Why would that matter?” “I just wouldn’t want to...