The Path of Embodiment

The Heart of the Feminine in Human form is EMBODIMENT. This Is the truth yet it’s more than what it appears to be. Embodiment is more than sex, it’s more than Movement, it’s more than Body work or dance… Some years ago I brought forth a Offering- Well Woman Wisdom-...

We are the Leader’s Mentor

I get it. You’re a high-level leader, influencer, or icon who requires a high degree of discretion. You don’t want your name blasted all over the Internet. You aren’t drawn to spaces that use your image and likeness to sell their products. You don’t want a mentor or...

Do You Know your Worth?

Recently during my meditation, this dropped in It takes a certain amount of hubris to live a life that excels. It takes a certain amount of self-importance to create something larger than average. To live more than is common. To ignore the ceiling and decree the...

I’ve got an offer for MEN!

EATING MY OWN WORDS I have always said I do not coach Men. I have always believed men need to Coach men. Even when Men have come to me through the years Seeking Coaching. Then something landed I was shown that Men need to hear from women… but not in the way it was...

Have You Seen A Mermaid Before?

​ All of this righteous indignation. All of this social justice narrative and societal engineering. ​ Newsflash- Black and Brown Washing is a thing. And it will be a thing that can control you until you unhook your sense of self from the need to be an oppressed...