Part of the Human Experience

Darlings… WORK is a part of your Human experience. ​ Yep you signed up for it. You don’t get to escape it. You don’t get to go around it. ​ You don’t get to “magically marshmallow” it away I don’t care what amazing manifesting...

An Aria – On Business

Interesting thing about the online business niche especially for women. ​ Its become self help and Self esteem coaching disguised as business teachings. ​ Its so focused on the “feeling good” of the business owner that the customer, client and student is...

Era of Victim Nation and Cancel Culture

I was listening to Dr Peterson a few months ago and he said when speaking about Joe Rogan -he was a friend to me at a time when it cost a lot to be so. This was when he (Dr Peterson) was receiving a LOT of negative press. People were accusing him of doing harm being...

Brand vs. Expertise

Please learn the difference between a snazzy polished brand and expertise beloved. ​ Many people in business are taught branding before Mastery. ​ Many invest thousands in branding and nothing in education and personal development. ​ It would be awful for you to...

Life Embodied

I don’t believe in the Hustle That’s not how I’ve built seven figures That’s not how I’ll teach you to do it. I believe in Life- EMBODIED. Juicy Presenceful Potent Fertile When you build, create, manifest, expand in ANY WAY from a place of embodiment EVERYTHING...