May 27, 2022

A Revalation on Women in Business

I’m sharing this here because it’s a revelation we received and given the trajectory of the Online business and Coaching spaces (ESPECIALLY for WOMEN) it is necessary.
I shared this recently in a group of thousands of women in business .The context was a Woman struggling in business who was continually having no or low money in her service based business. Her business was based on using her gifts.
We speak because it is true even if it is not popular.
My husband and I channeled the real reason this happens a few years ago AFTER teaching it to our adult children for years, and now we teach it to our students.
Wealth and Purpose are DIFFERENT.
Your Wealth and Your Purpose will often NOT flow in the same spaces- but they are tributaries one to the other.
This is why the wealthy have 6-8 streams of income. We have this because we do NOT tie our Purpose and Wealth into one stream.
Wealth is used to fulfill the Purpose. Talents are sold…gifts are given.
Most of the women’s business industry teaches women to try to sell their gifts but that’s not how it works.
A gift is a gift. No one sells a gift.
Your gift comes with your talent for FREE.
In your case pivoting so that you are selling something that is desired by your audience would meet your desire to build Wealth which would give you the space to also offer coaching etc; if you desire to and would also allow you to live out your design.

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